Ordinary Things is a satirist who documents and makes videos about the factual sometimes dark tales behind day-to-day things for over 600,000 (and counting) subscribers on YouTube since the channel started in 2019. Some of the memorable topics he has discussed include
Basse Stittgen is a designer that makes use of unconventional materials. One of these is blood and its contradictory meaning, representing both life and death. During his talk, he introduced two of his projects which revolve around the blood of which he
This year’s TEDxVienna conference theme was UNTOLD, and speaker Naomi Jacobs delivered a compelling talk about the effects of being weighed down by the burdens of secrecy, and the importance of telling one’s story. Naomi Jacobs woke up one morning with no
Andi Schmied is a visual artist and architect from Budapest, Hungary. She graduated from the Barlett School of Architecture (UCL) in London and has since exhibited worldwide. Andi’s most recent publication is “Private Views: A High-Rise Panorama of Manhattan”, which she spoke
We had yet another great TEDxVienna event this year and couldn’t be more grateful for all the volunteers and attendees for making the event happen. This year’s conference was a little more complicated than others, as we had to maneuver our way