When it comes to the ever-changing world around us, as well as the growing list of concerns about the current state of society, multidisciplinary designer and visual artist Jann Choy doesn’t want to offer solutions on a silver platter. Instead, she wants
Basse Stittgen is a designer that makes use of unconventional materials. One of these is blood and its contradictory meaning, representing both life and death. During his talk, he introduced two of his projects which revolve around the blood of which he
Society is continuously evolving, and with it, so are our housing needs. Social, economic, technological and environmental changes oblige us to start thinking differently and to reconsider our actions and habits, wishes and needs. The decreasing size of households, financial considerations and
The most effective method of fighting disease is prevention. Contraceptives play a vital role in the quest to overcome HIV/AIDS – and the Origami condom invented by TEDxAmRing speaker Danny Resnic could prove to be a game changer. Innovative, easy to use