Social media has changed the way news is produced and consume, but how exactly does it affect us in how we relate to global crises? A look into the current situation.
‘‘We’re already cyborgs… your phone and your computer are an extension of you’’. These words surely send shivers through your body as you start pondering over their significance. They make you stumble, tremble and fall out of the sweet equilibrium that has
The world rang in 2022 not too long ago, and while most people are still working hard on their new year resolutions, some others are enjoying the creative works that were released on January 1, also known as Public Domain Day –
When we think of nurses, we imagine kind, selfless human beings who place compassion at the center of their universe. Indeed, being compassionate is practically part of the job description. However, many nurses and other healthcare workers often find themselves feeling numb
Cancer and heart disease are two of the world’s leading killers. Is there a link between them? Is there a way to find a cure that can treat both diseases simultaneously?
Porn, intercourse, and self-satisfaction are present in everyday life. You see it and even do it. We see bodies (often naked or almost naked) in films, advertisements, music clips, magazines. Most likely, you know what porn is and even have watched it.
When was the last time you shared your children’s pictures online or pictures and information on someone else’s child? How aware are you of your digital footprint and privacy? As a society, where do we draw the line between a parent’s right to
Ron Haviv is an American photojournalist who primarily covers conflicts. Besides documenting war crimes and conflicts, Ron’s main aim is to raise awareness about human rights issues all over the world. Throughout his nearly 30 year career, Ron has documented over 25
Adrian Raine is a British criminal psychologist, currently holding the chair of Richard Perry University Professor of Criminology & Psychiatry in the Department of Criminology of the School of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Psychiatry of the School of Medicine
Nora Punzel (Nora Aigner) was our youngest speaker this year. She is an Austrian poet who has been diagnosed with Eagle-Syndrome, a rare disease that causes long-term voice loss and severe pain. She talked about what it was like to lose her