When was the last time you engaged in a productive argument? In other words, you willingly discussed a thorny subject with someone of an opposing opinion — and managed to keep things pleasant? Those struggling to recall such a civil exchange are
Few of us can be found on Sunday mornings sitting at the breakfast table, sipping our coffee, buried under the gigantic, crinkly pages of a newspaper. But if you ever end up on the editorial pages, you often find those exaggerated, sometimes
As we approach the end of Women’s History Month, UN Women has highlighted a particular topic on International Women’s Day 2021 and throughout this month: Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world. No longer than a week ago,
Food for Thought was brought to the TEDx audience by the TEDx Vienna teams as a ‘digital dinner table.’ It is a space where professionals tackle topics such as politics, economy and how the professionals make sense of the current pandemic. On
Did you know that the Turkish TV industry is the second-largest exporter of TV content in the world, after the US? ‘But I’ve never seen any Turkish series!’ you might say, if, like me, you come from an English-speaking background and were