Smart technologies make our lives easier: from smart maps that find the fastest way home through evening traffic to sprinklers that take light and plants into account before watering. One field of smart technology that is particularly fascinating is intelligent, artificial materials.
For the entire month of March, TEDxVienna ran the #womensmarch campaign, highlighting women in leadership in connection to the United Nations International Women’s Day. On March 27, TEDxVienna curator Alina Nikolaou hosted our first-ever Instagram Live with the incredibly inspiring Kavya Kopparapu,
February 11 marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. In 2015, the United Nations Assembly adopted the resolution stating that this day should recognize the role of women and girls in science. Why does it matter? For many reasons.
For all of us at TEDxVienna, the year we left behind was an eye-opening and challenging one. Due to the pandemic, our big event was also postponed to 2021, as are many big events around the world. Nevertheless, in the midst of