We know that the talk of an increasingly digitalized workplace began long before the recent pandemic (not that it’s totally over) and as a result, terms such as ‘remote-work’ or ‘hybrid-working model’ are nothing new per se. However, it feels like almost
Annemarie Lombard-Puntschart is an Austro-American global citizen, a fast paced 6-figure income, New York City corporate career girl turned Yogi, human energy-body worker, photographic storyteller and host & producer of VENUSfrequency, a yogic radio show, currently living in Vienna, Austria. Following the impact of
Food for Thought was brought to the TEDx audience by the TEDx Vienna teams as a ‘digital dinner table.’ It is a space where professionals tackle topics such as politics, economy and how the professionals make sense of the current pandemic. On
In early 2020, as Covid-19 began shutting down parts of the world, one group of academics was amassing a virtual army of volunteer research assistants to capture data about the policies and measures introduced by governments across the world in response to